Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I recently got my hair straightened and it's all damaged and falling out. What are my rights as

My hair is totally destroyed and the top and sides have totally fallen out. I have showed the hair salon and they offered me a $20 gift card. I thought this was insane. Anyone have advice? What can I do? I have since spent over $500 at another salon trying to fix it. Thank you!

I recently got my hair straightened and it's all damaged and falling out. What are my rights as a consumer?

you have a legal right to sue these people and do so.... if your hair is not right while you are in salon you can leave with out paying ... straightening hair is a very delicate procedure if it is breaking and falling out they have either over processed it or it is an allergy reaction or even both ... chemical could have been too old or reacted to other stuff you have on your hair (test are there to stop mistakes) or they just don't know what they are doing... seek legal advice there are enough bad hairdressers giving good ones bad names don't let them get away with it our hair is important to us an bad workmanship is not good enough

I recently got my hair straightened and it's all damaged and falling out. What are my rights as a consumer?

glad i could help!! Report It

I recently got my hair straightened and it's all damaged and falling out. What are my rights as a consumer?

unfortunately I'm sure they either explained to you what could happen or you signed a chemical card. and you can't really prove enough in court to sue because you got your hair done under your own will. All you can do is learn from it and maybe not use so many chemicals on your hair again, cuz it clearly can't handle it.

I recently got my hair straightened and it's all damaged and falling out. What are my rights as a consumer?

Wow, that really stinks. I can't believe they only offered you a $20 gift card. I think that you should go back into the place where you got it sraightened and demand that they do whatever they can to fix it and that they do it for free, and don't take "no" for an answer.

I recently got my hair straightened and it's all damaged and falling out. What are my rights as a consumer?

My sister got her hair curled and when she went back to get it straight again it ruined her hair now it's a big puff ball on her head and she can no longer wear her hair down. The reason this happened: too many chemicals! Make sure you wait at least 2 1/2-3 weeks to get it fixed at another salon. If your hair is falling out so much you have bald spots Sue Them!! But if you can barely tell then just start wearing it down more and wait til ur hair goes back to it's original state. If you wear it up in pony tails it will just tear more hair out. Good Luck.

I recently got my hair straightened and it's all damaged and falling out. What are my rights as a consumer?

you can call the cosmetology board i can give you the number you have to have the stylists name and the salon name that you went to.. you should deffinently tell the boards because obviously they didnt know what they were doing... this is the massachusets board number its a start they can send you to the right state if your not in mass... a 20$ gift card is NOT acceptable the number is 617-727-3067 GOOD LUCK

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