Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to care for chemical straightened hair?

I just got my hair chemicaly straightened (permanent straightining.) How do you take proper care of it? How many times should you condition/ shampoo a week? And what kinds of shampoo would be good on chemicaly straightened hair (moisturizing)?


How to care for chemical straightened hair?

May I recommend a shampoo made for color treated hair as it's made to work on chemically treated hair? I would NOT use one that's made for curly hair or your hair may lose the straightening that you just paid good money for. I would also condition every other day or use a good leave-in conditioner like Paul Mitchell daily.

How to care for chemical straightened hair?

All hair has protein %26amp; moisture needs but none moreso than chemically str8tend hair.

If you opt to shampoo often you should look into a brand that contains gentle ingredients that don't strip your hair. If you opt to conditioner wash besure to clarify occasionally to remove buildup. Find a good hard protein treatment and use it as needed every 4 weeks or more. Weekly deep conditioning enhances the elasticity of chemically treated hair.

Good luck!

How to care for chemical straightened hair?

Washing i 2 times a week at the most, avoid harsh sun exposer, a leave in conditioner is the best moisterisor, try pantene. and put i in 2 braids at night if its african american hair or if you have other ways of doing what you do, do yall thing.

hope this helps

How to care for chemical straightened hair?

special shampoo and treatments for permanently straightened hair.

How to care for chemical straightened hair?

brush it and wash it

How to care for chemical straightened hair?

i strongly recommend you loreals natures cure mositurizing cream, they only sale it in sallys beauty supply it costs about 10 dollars

you just apply it to your towel dry hair for 2-3 minutes then you rinse it it works really well :)

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