Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Worst hair in America.......?

Please help me. I have two problems... One of them is I got my hair permed like almost a year ago and my hair is still curly. I don't like it :( My next problem is every time I get my hair straightened dead ends form immediatly. Please help me. Thanks for reading this~

Worst hair in America.......?

Well first, a 'perm' is what makes your hair curly, if you went to your salonist and told "I want a perm" that means you want your hair curly. you have to have said "I want my hair relaxed" Thats what makes your hair straight until it grows out. You probably talked to your salonist wrong, and second, you need to visit your salonist again anyway, or maybe switch shampoo. And if you go to swimming pools make sure you wear caps and shower immediately.

Worst hair in America.......?

your hair is dead from an old perm , you need to cut it and start from scratch

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