Tuesday, November 17, 2009

For people who got their hair japanese straightened and/or rebonded.?

a little background.. my hair is naturally straight, but not pin straight, so i got it japanese straigtened/rebonded over the summer so that it'll be pin straight. and now i saw some gray in my hair and i'd like to color it to hide the gray. i don't know why i have gray pieces of hair, i guess it's stress but whatever.

if i color it, will my hair get un-straightened or is my hair not gonna be pin straight anymore? the gray is bothering me!!!

For people who got their hair japanese straightened and/or rebonded.?

Don't worry,it won't get wavy but colouring ur hair would dame rebonded hair even faster,meaning u might get split ends or damaged hair with a little frizzy ends

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