Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hi friends..I got my hair permanently straightened 3 weeks bak. I am looking like an ugly duckling n

i had real curly hair .I got my hair permanently straightened 3 weeks bak.

I have started looking like an ugly duckling.The straight hair doesnt suit me at all.

i want my old curls back.But my hairstylist says that i cannot get my curls back until the new hair grows out.

Now i'm not sure if i shud get another perm on my hair...will it be too harsh on my hair if i get it permed curl?

pls help me...shud i go in for another perm?

i have already booked my tickets to visit my boyfrnd..i hardly have 2 weeks time to get my looks bak to normal...pls suggest me out some ways..

Hoping to get some answers from you all..

Hi friends..I got my hair permanently straightened 3 weeks bak. I am looking like an ugly duckling now..?

it would be safest to let your hair grow out naturally and curl it with an iron daily if you want those curls but if you really want the perm if would be extremely harsh and you should wait until the last minute before going to see your boyfriend and get it done the day before or even the day of if you can manage that.

Hi friends..I got my hair permanently straightened 3 weeks bak. I am looking like an ugly duckling now..?

do wait!!

wear it in a pony tail,buy cute hair accersories!

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