Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

i have excellent results with ghd straighteners but they damage my hair if i use too frequently i have heard that chemically straightening can be brilliant but then i have also hard that it can be a waste of money. i have thick curly non coloured hair.

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

a few girls in my work has had this done and all have regretted it!!

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

that can damage your hair to thats what my hair dresser told me.

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

I have my hair straightened in the salon using Extenso by Loreal. I have wavy hair and although my hair still needs straightening after washing, it is quicker and my hair is in fine condition. I would recommend it although needs redoing every 3 months - like a perm i guess

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

I would say not to do it. I use a flat iron on my hair, it's a little more time consuming, but much better for your hair.

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

I'm pretty sure the stuff used to straighten hair is the same as the stuff used to perm it. Basically any chemical you use on your hair is going to damage it to some extent but as long as you look after it and use products to protect it, you should be ok. Go to a salon with a good reputation. They might take a sample of your hair to try. Not everybodys hair takes to this kind of treatment so better to test it first than to waste your money on something that might not give you the results you want.

Good luck! x

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

itz a waste ..dre r reasonz..

if ur abot to get it done den at leest dont use a conditioner or hair color 2 monthz b4 u get ur hair straghtened den it wont id say u wait if u use conditioner or color!

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

I do not recommend it. If you think that GHD straighteners cause damage to your hair, the damage from relaxing your hair is 100 times greater. I have known people who had burnt hair as a result of this process.

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

i dont think you should and this is coming from a girl with an uncontrollable mane who for the most part does her hair straight daily. my exstylist got that done, it cost her a tonnn of money because she got it done the right way. she said it was worth it before it grew out because she could easily wash and wear it straight. but then she stopped going to get it done and tried to do her hair curly because that was how her hair naturally is, and the curling iron wouldnt curl the hair that the chemicals touched whatsoever, and that bummed her out! (like getting acrylic on ur nails and then having to wait for them to completely grow out to lose the gritty feeling when u take them off)

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

i have really thick curly hair and i tried chemiclly straightening it and it never worked but id advise u to ask a hairdresser to see if they think it will work obviously they will know the chances better than any of us lol try using loads of serum in ur hair before using the ghds good luck xx

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

I have naturally curly hair, and have tried this. Although it works, especially the Chi one, it can be expensive. Also, I find my hair grows back curly, so it can be even more expensive. These straighteners have occasionally caused some irritation yo my scalp as well. So far, I prefer straightening it every few days and using a powder to keep oil at bay in between. Try Stila Creme Bouquet Hair Refresher 2.6 oz can be found at

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

Everything damages your hair, even the water you use on it, and the sunlight. The products you use on it to style it. Getting your hair chemically straightened isn't exactly what I would do. If the stylist doesn't know what she is doing, and it is left on for too long, it could cause breakage, and then your hair would be really damaged. I would stick to using a flat iron. That is my best advice. You might want to talk to a salon. They can take a perm solution, put it in your hair, without your hair being wrapped, and comb your hair for as long as the solution should be in your hair, and then neutralize it. That works, and it's not so risky.

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

Go ahead and get it chemically straightened...

Just pick out one that will moisturize as it straightens...

Try Olive Oil... I use it and it's great!

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

well i get my hair chemically straiten every 4 months. i think it really works on my hair. it makes it softer and smoother and less curly. it helps thin out my hair because i have extremely thick hair. first of all don't get it done at a salon they are a waste of money and they use very bad chemicals that damage your hair badly. get a box at the store and ask a friend to do it for you. also get one that is for kids. that is the best one even if your not a kid. it uses different chemicals that are better for the hair and wont damage it as much as the regular ones or even worse the salons chemicals. your hair will still be slightly damaged but not as bad use products to help with the damage. make sure to wash your hair every other day with conditioner and as strange as this may sound put some vitamin e in your hair it helps with the damage as well. depending on your hair type you might still want to flat iron your hair but it wont be necessary and it will be allot easier. i think it would be a good idea for you to chemicalize your hair

good luck hope this helps!!!!!!

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

its probably better to do it if you have dry, coarse hair rather than fine frizzy or limp hair. it all depends if you have affro/frizzy hair too, it will work if you do. i know someone who tried it on her wavy hair and it works but makes her hair too straight...

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

I have really curly hair... I'm african and the best way for me to keep my hair straight is to relax it witha chemical straightener/relaxer kit. I've found that using a hot iron on my hair is bad as the more heat you apply directly to the hair, the weaker your hair becomes and the easier it breaks. The thing with chemical straighteners is to make sure not to overprocess the hair as this will make the hair too thin and that will make it easy to break also.

Find a good kit. Africans use stuff like dark and lovely but for caucasian hair, i'd say go for a loreal product. I've found that loreal works and it's not as harsh as teh straighteners for our tough african hair. And let a professional do the relaxing for you, at least for the first couple f times so you have and idea of how to do it. The other thing about chemical relaxing is that you shouldn't cover the whole lenght of hair when you're touching up the hair. You're only supposed to apply the relaxer cream to the undergrowth of hair that has not been treated before. Most peole make the mistake of covering the whole head with relaxer and that's a no no. It's easier and better to chemically strighten but make sure you do it the right way to avoid disastrous results.

You can email me if you want any more info or just add a post script to your question.

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

i have very naturally curly hair and have tried chemical straighteners. it sometimes takes 2 treatments and it doesn't always give the desired look. My hair did not come out completely straight. my suggestion, work with your natural looks better anyway

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

yes i know people ho have had this done with good results,make sure that you use a leave in conditioner on your hair rather than one that you rinse out,as they coat the hair 24/7,ghd's are brilliant but do cause a lot of damage if you use them to often i try to use mine only once a week

I am thinking of getting my hair chemically straightened any advice?

i think if you chemicaly straighten it is a VERY bad idea. It damages your hair more that you would straighten your hair with an iron everyday for the rest of your life!

So yea, please dont use chemicals!

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