Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

I just bought a chemical straightner that will keep my hair straightened for months. I was about to apply it when I read the "important things to know" section and it said I shouldnt use it if I've used a staightening iron to straighten my hair in the last 12 weeks... im thinking, WHAT?! My hair is layered in a style that only works with straight hair; I cant NOT straighten my hair for ONE DAY let alone 12 WEEKS!! It also says I shouldnt use it if my hair is dry, brittle, or breaking, and since i've been straightening my hair everyday for the last 4 years OF COUSE ITS GOING TO BE DAMAGED! What I want to know is what will happen to my hair if I use it now anyway?

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

Well I would use my flat iron verses putting a chemical straightener on your hair. I would also deep condition my hair at least three times a week with a processing cap on and a damp thin heated towel can microwave the towel maybe 35-45 seconds and keep heating it as it cools down and leave it on for as long as you can ....( several hours) if not longer. If you are really wanting to apply the straightener I would go by Sally's Beauty Supply and let them look at your hair and see what they recommend you do. They would be good at advising you since they could actually look at your hair and feel the texture. I would also recommend getting my dead ends trimmed. That helps with maintaining healthy hair. Also take a good vitamin .Biotin works well...drink lots of water healthy .....and you can go without straightening your hair for a few days or a week ....just style it different ...put it up ...pull it back etc., just think what we did before they were flat irons .... Just remember putting a chemical on already dried and damaged hair is only gonna make it worse. So concentrate on getting your hair healthy. And even once it is healthy I would still recommend doing a deep conditioner at least 2 times a week....Also use a good clarifying shampoo to remove product build up on your hair so the conditioner can really sink in. You can always use a good hand full of baking soda used with regular shampoo to remove build up then shampoo with just shampoo without the baking soda. I hope some of this information was helpful to you ~~~

I wish you luck ~~

I have a Sedu flat iron and it is the best ..I use a good heat protector and my hair is really in great shape plus I do the deep condition at least twice a week ....

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

It will probably be damaged..

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

It can if your hair is too dry and if u have color on back to back.

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

Do NOT use a chemicak straightner it completley damages your hair and makes it more frizzy then it was before..

Just get a straightning iron from a store that gets fairly hot..try ordering one from a salon those work really good.. =)

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

your hair might get dry and youll get spit ends rally easy if you dont take care of your hair

Will using a straightner damage my hair?


Will using a straightner damage my hair?

I have never heard of such a product, like the one you are about to use. I would try a small portion, like underneith your hair and in the back to see what it does before you do your WHOLE HEAD. Just to make sure you don't go bald ya kno?

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

it will probably break your hair off...sounds as though your hair is in need of some serious help...and you shouldnt be applying any chemical to your hair

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

i dont think anything major will happen but i do think that u will have some hair fall out just like it falls out when u comb it. since used heat on it everyday ur hair is too weak right now. i suggest u leave it for 12 weeks %26amp; just put it in a ponytail til the 12 weeks are up

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

yeah, cheimically straightening your hair is really damaging,

no matter what. even though just regularly straightening it is

bad too, i would just stick to doing that.

actually, if you dont want your hair to get to damaged, i

would consider scrunching more often. i have long hair

but recentely is just like stopped growing and wont grow

anymore and i figured it was because i straighten it every

day so now i just scrunch it alot because that way im not

using any heat in my hair :)

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

sorry to will kill your hair. i use to use an at home kit straightening worked great the first year...then once i started using it more and didnt work at all. If you want to damage your hair by straightening it go ahead...but a straightening kit is the worst. u can try it....but i wouldnt garntee it will be the way you want it. just use herbal essences break over shampoo and conditioner...that is wat i use and ive been straightening my hair and i tried just about every straightening thing possible and i have to say this herbal esscence break over shampoo and conditioner works the best. you can tell it works right away in the shower because it ways down your while your scrubbing it and lathering it and it makes ur hair soft right away in the shower for all day softness. it works great for straightening. try it...u wont go back!!!=]閳?br>Will using a straightner damage my hair?

your hair will dramatically thin! like hair loss. alot of hair will fall out. its not a good idea to do that treatment to your hair. if it has a warning like that its pretty serious! and yes straightening your hair everyday will definatly damage your hair! why not try to blowe dry it straight!? if you continue to staighten your hair this way everyday then your going to have really dried out, crispy hair pretty soon and you wont be able to fix it. and permanent split ends that are all over not just the ends. just somthing to think about. try considering a hair style that more healthy for it and looks great! im sure you can find somthing you'll like even more than it is now!

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

Unfortunately, you really need to follow the directions on chemical straightener. I'm unsure about why it requires you to wait 12 weeks before applying the product to you hair--that seems rather silly. But you REALLY need to take seriously that using chemical straighteners on hair that is fried leads to it breaking off so easily.. A month into my friend's chemical straightening, she had to cut her hair to a little longer than her ears in order to keep her haircut even, it was horrible. I suggest you continue using your flat iron, but use a cream that negates heat damage!

Will using a straightner damage my hair?

you can't do that, don't straighten everyday. your hair is already fried. embrace your texture and don't use the chemical straightener.

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