Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Is red hair gay? said in my very first question, I said that I had my straightened. That puts me in a tight situation because I hate my hair now (and I now style it up every morning with lots of hair spray and gel).

So, anyways, since I got my hair straightened, it looks kind of gay now (right?), and I was red hair gay?

I went to HBC thirty minutes ago, and I bought there a HORTALEZA PROFESSIONAL red spray-on hair dye, the one that can be washed off with water and shampoo.

Now, I am wondering, would it be gay for my ego to wear it to school? I'm not thinking every day, I'm just thinking every Friday or something. But even then, would I be considered gay? People are already suspecting me of being gay for straightening my hair, but would they even further suspect me by coloring my hair red for a few hours?

Btw, my Junior-Senior prom is tomorrow! :D

Is red hair gay?

1) NEVER use the term 'gay' to mean 'pathetic' or 'a royal mess', as it is insulting

2) NEVER disparage red hair, for there is nothing wrong with it.

3) NEVER worry about what other people may think, as tastes shift as often as the wind

Sorry for the bashing, but you need to broaden your horizons

Is red hair gay?

Red hair can be gay, but that only depends how you style it.

Is red hair gay?

A red streak of hair of a pretty female face looks great, not sure how dudes look, but I would

Is red hair gay?


Is red hair gay?

on girls it looks pretty but not so much on guys.

just dye it back to ur normal hair color

Is red hair gay?

No to the red.

Is red hair gay?

If your hair is short, with one singular red streak in it, then you're pronouncing your gayness to the max.

At my school anyway, all the gay kids streak their hair with red. Kinda off to the side a little.

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