Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to straighten hair with a blow dryer?

What steps would I take to straighten my frizzy hair with a blowdryer? Would I use the concentrator that attaches to my dryer? Help!

How to straighten hair with a blow dryer?

conair has a new one out it has a comb like attachement and is an ionic one (it makes your hair less frizzy)

How to straighten hair with a blow dryer?

yes use the attachment.. it's great =]

How to straighten hair with a blow dryer?

i would suggest using a flat iron, since it's a lot easier and sometimes turns out nicer depending on how frizzy your hair is.

but, if you want to blowdry it, you should use a big round brush, and start with the back. also don't forget to apply styling/straightening creme at the roots with your fingers. and yes, you should use the concentrator, especially if you have thick hair. the concentrator makes the hair dry much faster.

How to straighten hair with a blow dryer?

I love Kiwis Colorreflector Blow Silk they really soft and straight your hair in No time or you can try V05 Make It Straight also work . You need to put one your hair while it still wet , hope it help

How to straighten hair with a blow dryer?

its best to get one of those combs that connect to the dryer and blow dry your hair with that,...that should straighten it out

How to straighten hair with a blow dryer?

it depends on what kind of hair u have.. i have really thick curly hair and i usually just let it air dry then istraighten it with a straightenr. its hard to dry it straight

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