Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

how do you straighten hair fast... i straighten my hair every day after i get out of the shower and blow dry it.. but it takes me about an hour to straighten it... help please..

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

Hey! I have naturally curly hair and I use a redken product that helps out a lot. I just blow dry and go. It doesn't even need to be straightened after blow drying. Satinwear 02 ultimate blow-dry lotion is the product.

There is a link to its website below.

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

ohkay theres a really easy way to do this. what i do and its quick and easy is put you hair in a ponytail the straighten so many pieces at once. sleep in your straight ponytail and take it down in the morning and touch up.

BUT if you have thick hair try blowdrying it first.

mkay goodluck :] Report It

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

you want to use a straightening, smoothing shampoo. i have super thick curly hair, and i really like using "matrix" for my hair. there really is no "fast" way to straighten it, but starting with a good shampoo will help.

next, make sure you put some straightening serum all over your hair to protect it from the heat. any type of heat, whether it's blown dry or with a flat iron, will damage your hair very easily. use a flat brush to pull it straight and work through your hair section by section with a blow dryer, then straighten it afterwards if necessary, again going in small portions.

good luck with your hair!

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

put gel

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

Wow an hour? Before you do anything put on straightening Serum on your hair, blow dry your hair then use or straightener, or skip the blw drying and use the wet to dry straightener

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

okay first of all you shouldnt straighten and blow dry your hair every day because before you know it your hair will be in HORRIBLE condition, my friend does that and her hair looks damaged instead of straightned lol. BUT if you rellle wanna know then ill tell ya. first of all take a shower b4 you go to bed so then in the morning you'll just brush it and straigten it. so then you won't have to wasit your time blowdryin it since it will do that over night. :) hope i helped

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

CHI! In America, of course.

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

I actually have very curly hair and I have found that Sally Beauty Supply sells a product that works wonderfully for me-- Ion flat iron spray. . . it protects against heat damage but also helps to pull out the curl. The great thing about Sally's is that if it doesn't work well for you, you can return it! Try it a few times and if you don't like it then take it back and try something else (that's how I found this product, trial and error :)

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

Short-term answer: Moisturize or oil it (depends on your ethnicity) before blowdrying it and comb it with a widetoothed comb while you're blowdrying it.

Longterm answer: Learn to love your natural hair and ask a stylist to help you play up your natural features so you can simplify your routine and save time. :-)

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

dosent blowdrying it make it pretty straight if u use a round brush. any way split it into sections it goes much faster or better yet a wet to straight straightner it cuts time in half. i have one and i have medium length hair and it takes me bout 20-25 minutes.

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

Get a better straightener?

I had a crappy straightener and it was worth like $20 and it took me about two hours to straighten my hair. Then I got a Chi straightener and it cost $100 dollars and it really was worth it. I went from having to sit there straightening for hours to about twenty minutes. Also, if you get a straightener that goes to higher temperatures, it won't make your hair as dry and dead looking because you won't need to keep the heat on your hair as long as you would with a crappy straightener.

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

us a wet to dry straightener that woeks..supposable less damage too...i hate mine its red and conair so get either an other kind of conair or something else

Please help.... whats the best way to straighten hair fast?

use sexy straight hair shampoo and conditioner then redkin straightening balm before you blowdry with a round brush. You shouldnt need a straightener with this and it will save you a lot of time.

What is the best way to get my hair straight? Rebonding? or is there any other method?

Recently I'm thinking of having my hair rebonded again, since my last rebond last April. My hair original is not curly, but not straight either, just a bit wavy. What I'm worried about is that another rebonding might damage my hair, or would it not? I want my hair straighten, so which hair-straightening method would be most effective and long-lasting? Anyone give me some advice? thanks!

What is the best way to get my hair straight? Rebonding? or is there any other method?

Personally, i think rebonding is the best way to straighten hair for a prolong period of time. In fact, for me, my rebonded hair remains straight throughout, and my hair dresser only needs to rebond my regrowth, which is the part of the hair which just grows out of my scalp. I will not suggest a relaxer if your waves are stubborn, like mine. It will curl back after a while.

But if you want to rebond your rebonded hair together with your regrowth, then it will definitely make some damages to the former.

What is the best way to get my hair straight? Rebonding? or is there any other method?

...I recently saw a question where a woman did damage her hair due to rebonding...

...why not just do the old fashioned...blow dry and flat iron...and yess too much heat can also damage your hair...

What is the best way to get my hair straight? Rebonding? or is there any other method?

Put a Relaxer in your hair. THAT will definitely straighten it.

What is the best way to get my hair straight? Rebonding? or is there any other method?

use a good hair straightner. i don't know what it means but i too asked the same question and a girl answered like this. she ecen said that it makes hair shiny.

How do i naturally straighten hair without straightener?

my hair is naturally wavy, not CURLY. but i like it straightened but using a straightener is annoying and if your hair gets wet its ruined.

is there any shampoo or techniques i could use to make it straight

(not super straight like emo, but not wavy)

How do i naturally straighten hair without straightener?

just comb it.... my hair is sort of wavy.. and whenever I comb it when it is wet it straightens out

How do i naturally straighten hair without straightener?

well theres shampoo and conditioners for it but i dnt believe that crap works =]

try blow drying it while brushing it not very natural or sit in front of a fire while brushing it every now %26amp; than thats what i do and if you sleep on it after it dries-that helps a lot !!%26lt;3

How do i naturally straighten hair without straightener?

D*O*N*O*T* use any chemicals in your hair

you can fry it and it will get all nasty dry looking

umm blow dry is the next thing other then that nothing straightener is all really sorry =[

How do i naturally straighten hair without straightener?

when you blowdry your hair, you should comb it constantly from underneath. a little gel (one that is not sticky but wattery) will help, but i understand that you do not want to use that. i used to have long hair and it is naturally waivy. conditioner makes it less less "kinky". also, if i wash it the day (or night) before it tends to be straight the next morning with little work.

How do i naturally straighten hair without straightener?

There are lots of shampoos and conditioners out there, that can help you! For example i use Sunsilk Straight, which involves the shampoo, conditioner, and gel you put in after. I ushually blow dry it with a ceramic round brush! works very well!

How do i naturally straighten hair without straightener?

use sunsilk straighning sirum it seriously works hun!

How do i naturally straighten hair without straightener?

Come down here to New Mexico and get the red chile enchiladas at La Fuente!

How do i naturally straighten hair without straightener?

serum, when its wet..

should make it straighter

esp. since your a guy =)


I straighten my hair wid a lot of effort but it goes all frizzy after a short time. help please?

i dont have enough money to get my hair chemically straightened...wat can i do?

I straighten my hair wid a lot of effort but it goes all frizzy after a short time. help please?

You can chemically straighten it yourself at home...that's what I do. The kit costs $29.99 ~ Easy Straight ~ lasts approx. 3 months, works awesome. check out easystraight.com

A chemical straighten will NOT make it worse. I have used the easystraight product a few times at home and my hair is straight, silky smooth, and perfectly healthy.

I have also had it done in a salon and had fantastic results!

I straighten my hair wid a lot of effort but it goes all frizzy after a short time. help please?

Buy fructis antifrizz serum and apply it before and after straightening.

I straighten my hair wid a lot of effort but it goes all frizzy after a short time. help please?

use proper product and try going natural, straight hair is out

I straighten my hair wid a lot of effort but it goes all frizzy after a short time. help please?

ppl say dont do it but when you straiten your hair do it layer by layer and after dine with 1 layer BRUSH it and so on and so on and do that at night and in teh morning run though it agian the girl ahead of me is wrong strait hair is "in"

I straighten my hair wid a lot of effort but it goes all frizzy after a short time. help please?

Phyto defrissant is the best product in the world for frizzy hair! You can purchase it on Sephora.com for about $24 and the small tube will last for months. John Freida anti-frizz works fairly well, but if your hair is stubborn like mine it won't hold in high humidity.

I straighten my hair wid a lot of effort but it goes all frizzy after a short time. help please?

My hair is the same way! This might sound Little weird but I put lotion in my hair to keep the frizz away! So you might want to try that! I use Olay body quench lotion, just use alittle though if you use to much then your hair will become curly again! Oh one more thing don't get your hair chemically done made my hair worst!

I straighten my hair wid a lot of effort but it goes all frizzy after a short time. help please?

A chemical straighten would most likely make this problem worse. If you flatiron your hair with a good flatiron with ceramic plates, it should be silky smooth. If not, it is damaged. My hair is naturally very curly, but when I flatiron it correctly (like, not when i'm in hurry), it looks great until I get it wet again. Small amounts of moisture can make it go frizzy, which I suspect is what's happening to you. There's a bunch of products out there that can help with that, but they are tricky to use and most of them just weigh your hair down and make it look greasy or stringy.

My hair gets really greasy at my bangs!?

my hair gets really greasy at my bangs! like the day after i wash it!? how can i prevent this...also how do i help make my dry hair less dry...and is their any shampoo that can help prevent hair straightening damage....or any creams? 1 mor question i promise...is their ANY SHAMPOO that makes ur hair straighter or more relaxed? THANKYOU~

My hair gets really greasy at my bangs!?

My hair produces oil very quickly. I have to wash it every day - especially if I have bangs.

But what I've learned is that as I get older I can get away with what I call fake washing. I'll take the part of my hair that is just around my face and separate it from the rest of my hair and just shampoo that part (don't condition it). Then I've washed the part that looks oily without having to rewash and dry all my hair.

Also, when you do wash, try to not put conditioner on the front part of your hair, the part that gets oily, but just concentrate on the ends. It may keep that part from looking as oily.

About straightening hair shampoo. I have semi-wavy hair and what I've found to work best is "Straighten up" by Sunsilk. It keeps my hair be less frizzy and puffy.

My hair gets really greasy at my bangs!?

herbel essences hello hydration works REALLY well..

or the one for straight hair. i think it is a orange bottle.

they both leave your hair looking really shiny and soft!

My hair gets really greasy at my bangs!?

my hair is super dry, and i've found that the Redken All Soft Heavy Cream is amazing and i use it once a week. Also, I have dirty blonde hair and if yours isn't too brown you can use baby powder in your bangs to soak up the grease. it will help to keep your hands off of them as well.

I wanna perma-straighten but my mum says your hair falls out (HELP!?)?

Heya. I have shoulder-legnth thick, layered curly hair which straighten to rock the Emo style. I straighten it everytime I wash it (using AVeda protection Spray). I'm not obsessed about it, I don't like straighten it everyday to get it dead straight, and even when I do it still has kinks in it. I want it to be automatically straight (and possibly straight-er) so I don't have to worry about rain and all that jazz. I was thinking about getting it permanatley straightened but my mum says it would ruin it and it would all fall out, but then all these people say on the internet say it was great and mention nothing about it falling out. Somebody help!

I wanna perma-straighten but my mum says your hair falls out (HELP!?)?

I get my hair straightened about every 4 to 6 weeks, its extremely curly so it will never come out completely straight it just makes it easier to straighten with the hot iron. My hair doesn't fall out after-wards, actually less comes out (i have the thickest curliest hair ever). There different kinds of straightener and some are less harsh like the one i use. It will however dry your hair out if you get it done regularly so a good deep conditioning will be needed. Maybe you should just invest in a Chi iron they are sooo wonderful. Sleek straight hair and cuts down the time it takes to do it!!! I love mine, but it will put you back about $100-$230. But it's not as bad as it sounds because your going to spend the 90 or so dollars to get it straightened chemically if you decide to do it. And also i must add they my hair never looks funny if i let the straightened hair grow out. Just make sure you trust your hair dresser and don't use a crazy extreme straightner your hairdresser should be able to straightnen it without ruining your hair like some of the other answer on here say. If they can't its the hair dressers fault and they should go to someone else.

I wanna perma-straighten but my mum says your hair falls out (HELP!?)?

be careful with these permanent straightners, i had a japanese straightner,one done almost 3 yrs ago and oh my ...it straightened my hair for almost 2 years!

the first day i was happy but then a few weeks later it was horrible it dried up my hair and it looked so processed and boy it took so long for my hair to recover, my moms hair broke off and she had to cut her hair very very short to get the straigtner out, it was a nightmare for me, so be careful my hair as i said was straight but looked really bad, and i have wavy hair which i never relax, but anyway many people hate these permanent straightners check on this website so many people that only talk about straightners, hope this help


I wanna perma-straighten but my mum says your hair falls out (HELP!?)?

You could try using a Perming solution and just comb it straight instead of putting rods in your hair. That's what I do.

However, it doesn't do as good a job as some of the relaxers our there. In the drug store.. there is Oggilve home straightening... If you're Caucasian, I would stay away from the relaxers meant for black hair. Their hair is, as I understand it, more-so difficult to straighten and it will melt a Caucasians hair.

There are some other creme relaxers for Caucasian hair as well, just need to look for it. Can find it in the hair color/perming isle.

I wanna perma-straighten but my mum says your hair falls out (HELP!?)?



Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shi

Even if we use it alot. I've heard that chi and sedu work well. Which one works best? Also, what are the best hair straightening products to use while straightening our hair to prevent damage.

Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

GHD hair straightener

Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

Chi iron is good. It should not cause damage if you dont use it like everyday. Also use some type of oil when you use it.

Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

Chi or phal brown they wont damege your hair as bad but it sill not good for your hair. but thoughs would be te better choise.

Hope that helps hunn

ohh yea also buy hair heat protecter.relly helps


Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

A chi hair straightener is awesome, I have always used porfessional straighteners. But, recently my straightener died after 1 year and it was $160. I was in Wal Mart and saw they had cheap ceramic straighteners for $40. It was a revlon one, I bought it and decided if it was **** then it was only 40 bucks. It works awesome though, my hair feels just as good as the pro straighteners. I have decided not to spend lottsa money on expensive straighteners. Go with a cheap one you won't regret it!

Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

use silk therapy and a conair straightener

Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

JOICO smoothing balm.....

Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

well if yor strapped for cash then try some of the remmington wet to straight straigteners


if you want really straight hair then use ghd's

theres the new vi styler out it's great

they usually sell them in hair dressers and they are about a hundred and twenty pounds and the sleek styling spray

which protects your hair is another


Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

Chi 閳?br>Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

chi is really expensive.. you can get a straightener that works that is cheaper than that. i bought mine at sally's for $40 and it works great! straighteners, curling irons, and blow dryers are all going to damage your hair no matter what. but using a heat protecting spray should help a little =)

Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

straight sexy hair is good to hold in the straitness and they have this mist/spray stuff u spray as u flat iron ur hair and it prevents damage and dryness

Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

You can use any hair straightener that has a ceramic surface. Although if you use it every day, no matter which kind you use, your hair will get damaged. Use the straightener no more than once in three days, and use a chi heat protection spray, it's only 13 dollars at any department store.

I myself used a Revlon thin straighteer ($40) for one month and then it broke, now I use a Conair, hopefully it'll works just as well. GOOD LUCK

Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

The Japanese straightening method, not sure of the name, works very well. It makes your hair feel very soft and smooth, not damaged. It also lasts until it grows out. It doesn't have a horrible smell during processing.

The downside is the cost, and it is time consuming. But if you want straight hair that isn't damaged this is a good way to go.

Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

i have a CHI iron and it does work very well..i have had it for about a year and a half now and it still works very well...you should try silk drops by regis designline...that stuff is awesome! if you have a salon inside your walmart they should sell it there..another good flat iron is paul brown..they are a lot more expensive but they are REALLY good...i would say that you should spend the money for a good flat iron even if it is expensive because it will save you money in the long run.. they will last you a lot longer so you won't have to keep going back to the store to buy $40 ones... go with the CHI... they are like $120-$200..but it's worth it!

Which is the best hair straightener that won't damage our hair and will keep it healthy and shiny?

The straightener that I use is called, Curlmaster Ceramics, I have had it since Christmas, and me and my sister both use it about ever day, and it doesn't fry your hair, it keeps it shiny, and if you use it right it shouldn't split your ends. It costs about 50-75 dollars. I dont use any products except for a teeny tiny amount of hairspray but if you go to the sally beauty supply website they have really good tips on there for haircare.